A somber Mother’s Day wish

It’s been a sad week here. Remember when I wrote about the baby birds? One of them flew into my house on Tuesday. A friend sent me a FB message saying, “An old wives tale says it means you’re pregnant!” I thought. Phew, thank God I don’t believe in Old Wive’s Tales. Another friend said, “I like that Old Wive’s Tale better than the one I know…” My response was, “Don’t tell me.” Well, I found out anyway.

It was, “If a bird flies into your home, someone you know is going to die.” That day, my friend Hedy jumped from the Tobin bridge in Boston and took her life.

She left behind a husband and three kids. I imagine she felt their lives would be better without her in it. Who knows. Her daughter, who is a writer just like her mother, wrote this brief essay about her mom the day she found out. She is in High School. Don’t skip this part, open the essay, please.

The essay

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and I hope that all mothers out there know how important you are and how much you are needed here in this world. Even if your family doesn’t tell you all the time, just know that they need you.

Hedy, you will be missed and your soul will live on through your beautiful children.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone. Now go hug  your kids.

5 thoughts on “A somber Mother’s Day wish

  1. Hey maria, I cried when I read it. I know you don’t believe in all that god stuff, but I’m sure she’s up in heaven being comforted by angels. Her poor poor children. My heart is breaking for them xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Shit Maria! That is my birthday, May 9th, though I think I will forever now remember that for a friend of a friend, it was a day of endings. I am so sorry, I feel so bad for her daughter Ruby and their family. Hedy sounds like she was a really neat lady. I am glad she had a loving family. Sorry for your loss too. It is a good reminder to us all to just take life as it comes and be thankful for who we have and what we have.

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